Whether it’s a complex group trip or a simple hotel booking, Avocet Travel Management offers highly competitive prices, attention to detail and impeccable service to ensure you receive the best possible value in a package tailored to your individual requirements.

Cost saving with no compromise on quality

Through access to a full range of booking content, we can provide all the travel and accommodation options available. We can also negotiate the best route deals and hotel rates, suited to your travel needs. You can also benefit from the negotiated nett fares provided through our membership of the Advantage Travel Partnership.

Save time

Whether a simple or a complex itinerary, we work around your needs and save you time by narrowing travel options in an easily comparable format.

Customer first

Every customer has a dedicated account manager, or Travel Partner, whose priority is to listen and understand your needs and wants at any time. As we are not target-driven, we can spend as much time as needed on your requests, and invest in building a healthy relationship with you. You should always feel comfortable about contacting us at any time, and we will meet with you on a regular basis to discuss possible changes in requirements face to face, and to ensure that the quality of our service is maintained.


Our Travel Partners are well travelled and have been in the industry for many years (minimum 5 years). They use their expertise to handle every aspect of your trip, and to ensure that your trips are hassle-free, pleasant and cost-efficient.

Human contact

Be it during or outside office hours, your queries are always answered by one of our Travel Partners. You will never receive an automated reply and all amendments/issues will be dealt with promptly in person.

Timely response

We respond to you in a timely manner. In the event of us not having a prompt solution/reply to your queries, we will inform you immediately.

Clear and unbiased information

As we are not aligned to any supplier in the industry, we offer you impartial travel advice, and we will do this using consistent and jargon-free language.

Knowledge review

We are always updating our knowledge on the best practices in the industry. We follow changes in our suppliers’ rules and regulations, and are always ready to adapt and adopt new ways of doing things.

Corporate Social

Responsibility Avocet Travel Management recognises that SMEs account for a significant part of the British economy. As a result, small businesses have great potential to make a positive impact in their communities through social responsibility and philanthropy.


Contact Details


The Office,
29 Riverside,


‭01737 763421‬

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